We stand committed to being upfront with our partners. Not all products are suitable for trade within each Asia-Pacific market. As such, we stand committed to working with those industries identified as having the greatest potential for success.
Food & Beverage
The origins of APAC IMPORTS lay in the F&B industry. Our primary focus consists of assisting suppliers to market, specifically goods requiring complex cold chain networks such as meat and fruit. We provide adaptable yet all-encompassing solutions to move the product door to door. We have the knowledge and skills to meet your needs whether you are transporting meat, nuts, rice, grains or canned goods.
Industrial Food Processing Equipment Manufacturers
We have provided assistance to companies of various sizes using our knowledge and extensive network of reputable suppliers. As experts in sourcing, we manage the production process and also aid in the development and delivery of your products to your location, ensuring a stress-free experience.
Garment and Shoe
Our extensive business networks across APAC mean that we have direct access to suppliers of finished goods as well as raw materials for products such as garments, shoes, and other fashion products.
Beauty & Cosmetics
As demand continues to rise in leaps and bounds, so does the desire for Western products. Beauty and cosmetics are no exception. Importation of these goods, both wholesale and direct require different licensures and company structure, brick and mortar versus online sellers.
The import and export of coffee have distinct features that differentiate it from other international trades, such as the perishability and quality grading. The transportation of coffee beans from where they are grown to their final destination is a complicated process that typically includes various stages and intermediaries. Having a clear understanding of coffee logistics, particularly in customs brokerage, is essential for businesses that are part of the coffee supply chain.